Wahsontiio Cross
Behind the Wall:
The Colonial Footprint of Fort Saint Louis
at Kahnawake Mohawk Territory
Jessica Darveau
Le théâtre de Quat’sous à Montréal:
Une architecture hybride à l’ère du néo-modernisme
Philippe Guillaume
The Notre-Dame Street Overpass Sidewalk:
From Bill Vazan’s Highway #37 to Today
Natalia Lebedinskaia
Framing Visibility and Access:
Picturing Silo No. 2 as Montréal’s Industrial Pride,
Modernist Icon, and Public Space
Viola McGowan
Architectural Beacon:
The Joseph-Arthur Godin Building as Cultural Witness
Jessa Alston-O’Connor
What Lies Beneath:
Erasure and Oppression at Place Royale, Montreal
Claire Renwick
The Montreal Sailors' Institute and the Homosexual Sailor:
A Model for Moral Reform in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
[download paper]
Pablo Rodriguez
A “Medium of Cultural Memory”:
The Simon-Lacombe House and its 1957 Relocation
Maya Soren
Reclaiming Le 9e:
Jacques Carlu’s Art Deco wonder + Lady Eaton’s gendered space
= Heritage Site for all?
Sarah Wilkinson
Saint James Cathedral:
Walking tour of a Monumental Paradox